Village Fairgrounds I
Rules and Regulations
Cleanliness and Consistency
Trees and shrubs in front of your home must be trimmed. The bushes in front of the bay window must not be higher than the bottom of the window. Tall trees on the sides must not go above the second floor window bottom. The area in front of your front window must have bushes or shrubs. The area cannot be left bare.
You may not grow vegetables in your front bed, or in anyplace in front of your unit, including the lawn. You may utilize a strip of lawn in front of front slab landing for flowering plants only. This strip may be no larger than 24 inches wide. Flowering plants only are permitted, vegetable growth is prohibited.
You may grow vegetables in pots on your back deck. The area must be maintained and access to your unit by emergency workers must be possible. You can not block your deck.
Please dispose of garbage properly. Garbage must be placed in the dumpster and not on the side of the dumpster, in front of the hut, or with the recyclables. Homeowners or their tenants must use the hut designated on the front of the hut that corresponds to your home number. Bulk pickup items are collected by the carter on Fridays. Do not put any bulk pickup out any earlier than Thursday night. Also do not place anything for bulk pick up behind or in front of the fence doors.
Feel free to enjoy the use of the driveway and common areas in front of your home with your family in a safe and respectful ways. At the end of the day, anything you brought out must be put away inside of your house. The front lawn and garden area are not to be used for storage. All satellite dishes must go on the roof of your home or in the front bed. Mounting the dish on the deck or anywhere on the siding of the house is prohibited. Any cords or cables used to facilitate satellite or cable must be unobtrusive and removed promptly if you discontinue service. Not in use satellite dishes must be removed along with any cables.
All of the houses in a row are to be the same so that they are to look harmonious when viewed as a whole. House doors and shutters must match each other and each of their neighbors. Screen doors must be matching to the others in that row. Roof shingles must be closely matched to the original roofs. The board is aware that homeowners may choose different vendors or manufacturers. The homeowner is responsible to ensure that the roofer closely matches the other roofs in a row as much as possible. Failure to match the near roofs will result in the board forcing you to reapply new shingles. House door and shutter colors as well as a suggestion of the roofing style will be available from a chart posted on this website. If there are any questions, please contact the property manager.
Clean up after your pets, at all times. Dogs must be walked in dog walk or off of the VFI property. Dogs are not allowed to be chained in the yard or allowed to run freely.
There is no parking in the streets in front of the houses. Cars will be towed. This is necessary to ensure that emergency vehicles can pass or access houses in case of an emergency.
Rule enforcement
Fines currently start at 100 dollars for each violation and can result in charges of 100 dollars a day if not corrected within 30 days of being notified of said violation.